Wednesday, December 18

Christmas Tree Lanterns

I know . . . time is running short.  Here is a quick and easy craft to keep youngsters busy while you get your baking and wrapping done.  
Here is a link to the step-by-step You Tube video I made on how to fold the light lantern:

All they need is a piece of copy paper.  Really that is all.  Oh, maybe some scissors to cut the paper into a square.

Then they just follow the video (and they can start the video, pause it, stop it, watch it over and over, to follow each fold to make, then they blow some air into it to puff it up) and make the origami paper mini light bulb cover. 

If you have colored tree lights then the white paper takes on the color of the light bulb.  If your tree lights are all white, you can use different colors of copy paper to make the lanterns a variety of colors. 

In the above picture the red and blue lanterns are made of white paper.  The yellow lantern was made with pastel yellow copy paper.
Or just use white paper on white lights to diffuse the light and make a beautiful larger soft light.

It's really amazing to see how this little paper lantern can transform a mini light!  You just slip the lantern over the light bulb --- it's so easy and the effect is amazing!!!

Disclaimer:  Use at your own disgression.  Do not cover any lights that produce any heat.  You are responsible for your safety in using these lanterns on safe lights. 

These origami lanterns are also used as water balloons.  So once the kiddies learn how to fold the lantern, then they can fold them for water balloons in the summertime!  Cool, huh!!!

1 comment:

  1. Alyssa you are so clever and creative - I always look forward to your wonderful posts as you are a mine of information and help. I am sending you and your wonderful family lots of love and hope that you have joy, happiness and peace over the festive period. Your blog helped me to start my creative journey and I want to say a huge thank you to you. Love all your clips, so easy to follow - you have the loveliest voice to listen to, always a pleasure. Big Christmas hugs to you all.


thanks for your wonderful comments